Difference between Physio and Osteo. Osteopathic technique treating shoulder pain at Mixed Osteo Kensington

What's the difference between an osteopath and a physiotherapist?

Osteos differ in that they are guided by principles rather than giving a cookie-cutter approach to a specific condition. They consider the person as an individual, the nature of the problem and the body's systems and current function. The principles guide them to look at the whole body rather than just the injury because everything is connected. They also look at the surrounding inter-related structures to prevent the condition from recurring.

Osteopathy is holistic and takes the whole person, including their nutrition and lifestyle, into consideration during assessment and treatment and uses advanced biomechanics. They hold a five-year university degree as well as additional qualifications. Progressive Osteopathy is a tailored movement approach.

Treatments often occur in an upright treatment table (the truestretch cage), using movements from your real life. This progressive and comprehensive method of care is suitable for people of all ages and abilities. Mixed Osteo's tailored approach and access to athletic equipment have resulted in a reputation as the place to come for lasting results.

Our location

92 Parsons Street, 3031 Kensington


8am - 1pm

