Neck Pain

One of the most prevalent musculoskeletal concerns that Mixed Osteo sees is neck pain. This is in line with research showing that neck discomfort is one of the two most prevalent musculoskeletal complaints, and that the majority of people will feel it at some point in their lives.

We see a wide range of people and athletes with neck problems because our clinic situated in Kensington. These can be induced by sedentary (desk-based) or physical (manual handling) work environments, as well as energetic or sporty individuals. Neck pain is particularly common in combat sports (MMA/ BJJ) due to the nature of the activity and its demands, which can put the neck in vulnerable situations.

The majority of neck pain is musculoskeletal in origin, with joints, ligaments, and surrounding soft tissue muscles being the most common culprits.

The majority of neck discomfort will improve in 0-6 weeks in most situations, with some cases requiring longer (6+ weeks) to heal.

When you come to the clinic with acute neck discomfort, the allied health practitioner (osteopath, physiotherapist, chiropractor, myotherapist) will assess you, provide you treatment and management suggestions, and reassure you. Manual therapy, movement therapy, exercise prescription, pain management, and training and ergonomics guidance may be used in order to avoid further aggravation or reduce reoccurrences of your condition.

Common Neck pain complaints can include:

  • Muscle strains

  • Ligament strains

  • Joint restrictions

  • Disc injuries

  • Whiplash

  • Wry neck (acute torticollis)

  • Headaches and Migraines

Neck pain treatment at by Osteopath Luke at Mixed Osteo Kensington

How can a Mixed Osteo/Osteopath help you?

Your Osteopath will do a thorough case history and assessment to assist with determining the aetiology of your injury, identifying aggravating and maintaining variables, and providing you with a diagnosis.

Your Osteopath will develop a treatment and care plan specific to your injury or condition.

This involves listening to your goals as a client and ensuring that the treatment and management plan are discussed with you and tailored to help you achieve them.

Manual therapy, movement therapy, exercise prescription, strength and conditioning, and ergonomics and manual handling recommendations may all be used to treat and manage this problem.

Your Osteopath may be compelled to refer you for additional assessment and investigation in specific situations.

Your osteopath may use hands-on treatment, movement-based treatment, or exercise prescription/rehabilitation to treat you.

Your Osteopath will design a treatment and management programme for you that educates and demonstrates how to better manage your condition through stretching, mobility, and strength training as needed.

Our location

92 Parsons Street, 3031 Kensington


8am - 1pm

