Top Soccer Injuries: How to Prevent and Treat Common Issues on the Field
Ankle Injury, Ankle Sprain Mixed Osteo Ankle Injury, Ankle Sprain Mixed Osteo

Top Soccer Injuries: How to Prevent and Treat Common Issues on the Field

Ankle sprains are the most common injury in women's soccer, often becoming a persistent problem when left untreated. At Mixed Osteo, we go beyond just treating the ankle, focusing on the root cause – the hips. Learn how addressing your hips can prevent recurring ankle injuries and help you get back on the field stronger than ever.

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Overcoming Foot and Ankle Injuries in BJJ: Your Path to Recovery with Mixed Osteo

Overcoming Foot and Ankle Injuries in BJJ: Your Path to Recovery with Mixed Osteo

In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, foot and ankle injuries can be a persistent challenge for practitioners. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting your BJJ journey, the risk of sprained ankles, heel pain, and Achilles issues is ever-present. However, there's no need to let these injuries stand in your way. At Mixed Osteo, we offer a holistic approach to addressing common foot and ankle injuries, combining Osteopathy, Applied Functional Science (AFS), and exercise rehab.

Our dedicated team of experts focuses on the recovery, prevention, and performance-enhancement aspects of healing from BJJ-related foot and ankle injuries. We believe that your feet are your foundation in the sport, and with our tailored programs and techniques, you can regain strength, stability, and flexibility. This not only aids in injury recovery but also equips you to excel in BJJ while reducing the risk of future injuries.

Whether you're seeking to recover from an existing foot or ankle issue or aiming to fortify your lower limbs for the future, Mixed Osteo is your partner in this journey. Book a consultation today and begin your path to healing, preventing injuries, and reaching new heights in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

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Judo Injuries and Comprehensive Rehabilitation: A Guide by Mixed Osteo
Judo Mixed Osteo Judo Mixed Osteo

Judo Injuries and Comprehensive Rehabilitation: A Guide by Mixed Osteo

Mastering Judo: Overcoming Injuries with Mixed Osteo

Judo, known for its dynamic throws and intricate techniques, demands both skill and physical resilience. However, injuries can be a common companion on your Judo journey. At Mixed Osteo, we're dedicated to helping you stay on the mat and achieve your best. Our comprehensive approach, combining Osteopathy, Applied Functional Science (AFS), and exercise rehab, targets common Judo injuries. From shoulder strains to knee issues, we've got you covered. Discover how we can support your Judo practice, enabling you to excel while minimising the risk of injuries.

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Wrestling Injuries: Overcome and Excel with Osteopathy, AFS, and Exercise Rehab
Wrestling Mixed Osteo Wrestling Mixed Osteo

Wrestling Injuries: Overcome and Excel with Osteopathy, AFS, and Exercise Rehab

Wrestling demands strength, agility, and determination. However, this intense sport also comes with the risk of injuries. From sprained ankles and knee strains to shoulder injuries and back pain, wrestlers face unique challenges in maintaining peak performance. At Mixed Osteo, we understand the demands of wrestling and offer a comprehensive approach to address these common injuries. Our skilled team of Osteopaths and AFS specialists provide hands-on treatments and exercise rehab to help wrestlers recover and perform at their best. Discover how we can support your wrestling journey and keep you in top shape on the mat.

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