Mastering the Lower Back: Conquering Back Pain and Injuries for MMA

In the dynamic world of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), the back is a powerhouse that plays a pivotal role in every move and technique. However, the intensity of MMA training and bouts also brings forth its share of challenges, especially when it comes to back injuries. In this blog post, we'll explore the most common back injuries in MMA and unveil how the integrated approach of Osteopathy, Applied Functional Science (AFS), and targeted exercise rehab at Mixed Osteo can pave the way for recovery and resilience.

Lower Back pain and Injury in MMA. Osteo Dr Luke wrestling with MMA fighter Jono Micallef

Common Back Injuries in MMA:

  1. Muscle Strains and Sprains: The explosive movements and twists in MMA can sometimes lead to strains and sprains in the muscles of the back.

  2. Herniated Discs: High-impact activities can contribute to the compression of spinal discs, leading to painful herniations.

  3. Facet Joint Injuries: MMA’s dynamic rotations and extensions can strain the facet joints, causing discomfort and reduced mobility.

  4. Rib Injuries/Sprains: The intense nature of MMA may result in injuries or sprains to the ribs, impacting both movement and breathing.

  5. Overuse Injuries: Training intensity and frequency can sometimes result in overuse injuries, particularly in the lower back.

How Mixed Osteo Can Help: At Mixed Osteo, our comprehensive approach is designed to address the unique challenges that MMA athletes face. Here's how our specialised treatments can make a difference:

  1. Osteopathy: Our skilled Osteopaths employ hands-on techniques to assess and treat back and rib injuries. By restoring optimal joint mobility and tissue function, Osteopathy accelerates healing and reduces pain.

  2. Applied Functional Science (AFS): AFS techniques analyse movement patterns to identify imbalances. Correcting these imbalances, AFS enhances performance, reduces injury risk, and fosters overall resilience.

  3. Exercise Rehab: Tailored exercise programs focus on strengthening the core and supporting muscles to provide stability to the back and ribs. These programs are designed to enhance flexibility, strength, and overall endurance, crucial elements for MMA athletes.

Preventing Future Injuries: Beyond addressing existing injuries, our approach is proactive, aiming to prevent future setbacks. We empower MMA athletes to optimise movement patterns, build strength, and foster the durability of their backs and ribs, ensuring they can perform at their peak without compromising their long-term well-being.

Conclusion: Your journey in MMA is a demanding one, and we at Mixed Osteo are committed to being your ally in overcoming and preventing back and rib injuries. Don't let pain or discomfort hinder your performance. Explore the transformative potential of our integrative treatments. Book your appointment online today and embark on a path of recovery, resilience, and peak performance in the world of MMA.


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